DWG Viewer 2D
DWG Viewer 2D is a tool for quickly viewing 2D CAD files and supports all versions of .dwg and .dxf files, as well as quickly converting .dwg and .dxf files to PDF.
Main features:
1. Double-click to open the local CAD file.
2. Drag to change the position of the view.
3. Zoom the view:
Zoom in and out by clicking on the zoom button.
Roll the mouse to zoom in and out of the view.
Zoom Extents: zoom the view to the maximum extent.
Zoom Window: zoom the selected view to the window.
4. Rotate the view:
Rotate the view 90 degrees counterclockwise,
Rotate the view 180 degrees counterclockwise,
Rotate the view 90 degrees clockwise.
5. Switch the background color of the view.还没有发布任何博客文章。Interface
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